Thursday 23 June 2011

Knitting Projects

(Pattern adapted by me)
Needle -3.75mm
Small flower
Cast on 63 sts.
Row1: *k1, cast off 7 sts (2sts rem on RH needle, 54 sts rem on LH needle), *rep to end.
Row 2: Change to yarn and purl all. Cut yarn leaving a tail of 15 cm. Thread this tal trough a blunt-ended needle and pass through each of the 14 sts rem on knitting needle. Pull tight and fasten off.
Middle layer flower
Cast on 98 sts.
Row1: * k1, cast off 12 sts (2 sts rem on RH needle, 84 sts rem on LH needle), *rep to end.
Row 2: p all. and repeat the same procedures as for the small flower.
Largest flower
Cast on 140sts.
Row 1: *k1, cast off 18 (2 sts rem on RH neede, 120sts rem on LH needle), *rep to end.
Row 2: p all and repeat the same procedures as for the small flower
Making up
Mount the 3 flowers and using the tail ends, sew each layer and then sew a brooch back to the back of the largest flower. For you to wear as you prefer: on the coat, on a hat, on a scarf...
P.S.: Pattern adapted by me. I apologise if I've done any mistake and recommend you to look at Let's Get Crafting! Issue 32 for the original instructions.

Whach this movie (all knitted) presented by a student that has received a Television Award...
The Little Red Plane (Charlote Blacker)

1 comment:

  1. It is a 3 layer flower, from Let's get Crafting - Issue 32
