Saturday 2 July 2011


Beetroot  Juice
A good neighbour gave me fresh beetroots this morning, just picked up from his orchard. Guess what? I did wonderful drinks for the whole family...

Do you fancy a big glass of refreshment?

-          1 medium beetroot
-          1 carrot
-          Juice of 1 lime (lemon or orange)
-          sugar or sweetener
-          1 l cold water
How to do this juice:
Mix everything in a blender. Filter it if you wish or taste all the fibres, but then use thick-straw…. Add ice cubes if you want to serve a very cold drink!

Corn Flan (variation of custard dessert and Crème caramel)
(I make it light with Splenda and everybody loves it!!!)   
Capacidade da xícara
  •  Capacity of cup: 200ml
  • Temperatura do forno: moderada (180ºC) Oven temperature: moderate (180 º C)
  • Tipo do recipiente: fôrma redonda, com furo central Type of container round pan with central hole or  a silicone mould
  • Tempo de forno: cerca de 1h30m Cooking time: around 1h30m
  • Capacidade do recipiente: 1400ml (19x15x8cm) Container capacity: 1400ml (19x15x8cm)
  • Rendimento: cerca de 8 porções Makes about 8 servings


CALDA “Caramel”
  • 1 xícara (chá) de União Light (160g) 1 tea-cup of Splenda (sweetener in granules) or sugar(160g)
  • ½ xícara (chá) de água (100ml) ½ tea-cup of water (100ml)

  • 2 xícaras (chá) de leite em pó desnatado (120g) 2 cups of skimmed milk powder (120g)
  • 200 gramas de milho fresco, cozido 200 grams of fresh corn, cooked or in a can (without salt)
  • ½ xícara (chá) de União Light (80g) ½ cup Splenda or sugar(80g)
  • 1 e ½ xícara (chá) de leite desnatado (300ml) 1 ½ cup of skimmed milk (300ml)
  • 1 colher (sopa) de margarina light (14g) 1 soup spoon (soup) light margarine (14g)
  • 4 ovos (cerca de 240g) 4 eggs (about 240g)
  • 1 xícara (chá) de água fervente (200ml) 1 cup of boiling water (200ml)
  • 3 colheres (sopa) de amido de milho (24g) 3 soup spoons of corn flower (24g)


CALDA Caramel
How to do

Ferva o União Light com a água, até obter uma calda em ponto de caramelo claro.Boil the water with Splenda (or sugar) to be cooked to caramel stage and then pour it into the mould (spreading it evenly around and at the bottom) before adding the custard base. You canRetire do fogo e estabilize a calda, colocando a panela sobre uma bacia de água fria. line the bottom and sides of the baking mould if it is not a silicone mould.

How to do

No liquidificador, bata os ingredientes até obter uma mistura homogênea. Mix the ingredients in a blender until the mixture is homogeneous. Coloque na fôrma reservada e asse, em banho-maria, no forno preaquecido. Pour it in the mould and bake in a bain-marie(double boiled) or place the mould in a tray with water inside a preheated oven. Desenforme gelado, preferencialmente no dia seguinte. Leave until the next day on the refrigerator before take out of the mould.

Saturday 25 June 2011


It is Time to:
Keep on top of garden and greenhouse jobs with the help of our weekly checklists.
Flowers checklist - 23 June
Allium seedhead - collecting the seed
1st July
(From Gardeners'

Feed the birds
Summer snacks

We all understand the importance of feeding garden birds in the cold winter months. Find out how to help them during summer, too, in our new feature.
Daniel Haynes, Editor

Friday 24 June 2011

My Art Gallery


From Let's Get Crafting! Issue 32, by Lucinda Ganderton
( I used Free yarns and crochet hook I've got with this Issue)

- Crochet hook: 4
- Yarn: 100% acrylic
- Chose your favorite colours
- fasten off each colour at the end the row
- stitch used: treble (UK treble is US Double crochet)

Foundation ring: 8 ch and join with sl st
Round 1: 3 ch, 1 tr in ring, 1 ch (2 tr in ring, 1 ch) seven times, sl st to top of 3ch
Round 2: join on another colour to chain 1 sp, 3 ch (1tr, 1 ch, 2 tr) in the same sp (2 tr, 1ch, 2 tr) in the next sp to end, sl st to 3rd ch
Round 3: Join on another colour to 1 ch sp between 2 groups of 2 tr. 3 ch, (1 tr, 1 ch, 2 tr) in the same sp, * 2 tr in next sp, ( 2 tr, 1 ch, 2 tr) in 1 ch sp. Rep from * 7X, 2 tr in next sp, sl st to 3rd ch
Rounds 4 - 6: repeat as round 3, but in different colours.
Round 7: join on one of the previous colour you alread used to 1 ch sp between 2 groups of 2 tr. 3 ch, (1tr, 1 ch, 2 tr) in same sp, *(2 tr in next sp) twice, 1 tr in next sp, (2 tr in next sp) twice, (2 tr, 1 ch, 2 tr) in 1 ch sp. Rep from * six times, (2 tr in next sp) twice, 1 tr in next sp, (2 tr in next sp) twice.
Round 8: join one of the previous colour to 1 ch sp between 2 groups of 2tr. 3 ch, (1 tr, 1 ch, 2 tr) in same sp, *(2tr in next sp) twice, (1 tr in next sp) twice, (2 tr in next sp) twice, (2 tr, 1ch, 2tr) in 1 ch sp. Rep from * six times, (2 tr in next sp) twice, (1 tr in next sp) twice(2 tr in next sp) twice.
Round 9: as round 8, but increase  one time more (1 tr, 1 ch, 2 tr) and  repeat it 3 times. Where the intruction on round 8 is to rep from *, the last (2 tr in next sp) twice you should increase one time more, then repeat it 3 times
Round 10: the same modifications for round 9, then repeat (1 tr, 1 ch, 2 tr) 4 times and the last group of rep from* (2 tr in next sp)  4 times.
Round 11: as round 8, but with the previous modifications repeated for 5 times.
Round 12-14: modifications repeated for 6 times/7 times/8 times. Finish off.
Foundation ring: 6 ch and join with sl st.
Round 1: 3 ch, (work into ring troughout round) yrh, yarn through sp (3 loops on hook) yarn through two loops, yrh, yarn through sp (4 loops on hook) yarn through 2 loops, yarn through 3 loops, 2 ch, (1tr cluster, 2 ch) seven times, sl st to 3rd ch. Fasten off.
Round 2: Join on another colour to 1 ch sp,  ch, yrh, yarn through sp (3 loops on hook) yarn trough two loops, yoh, yarn through sp (4 loops on hook) yarn through 2 loops, yarn through 3 loops, 2 ch, 1 tr cluster in same sp. (1tr cluster, 2 ch, 1 tr cluster in next sp) seven times, sl st to 3rd ch. Fasten off.
Round 3:  Join on another colour to 1 ch sp, 3 ch yrh, yarn through sp (3 loops on hook) yarn trough two loops, yrh, yarn through sp (4 loops on hook) yarn through 2 loops, yarn through 3 loops, 2 ch, 1 tr cluster in same sp, 1 tr cluster in the next sp, (1tr cluster, 2 ch, 1 tr cluster in next sp, 1 tr cluster in the next sp) seven times, (1tr cluster, 2 ch, 1 tr cluster) in the next sp, sl st to 3rd ch. Fasten off.
Round 4: Join another colour yarn to a 1 ch sp. Work as for round 3, working two tr clusters along each side edge. Fasten off.
P.S.: Pattern adapted by me. I apologise if I've done any mistake and recommend you to look at the above Magazine for the original instructions.

Thursday 23 June 2011



Find his book at the best bookshops (Livrarias Saraiva, Amazon, etc) or visit Albarus Andreos' blog
This book is published only in Portuguese yet. However, leave your comment in here if it is your wish to read in English this first book from a wonderful Saga...Maybe his publisher Giz Editorial will hurry up for the English version!

You would love these short stories from our daily life...This book is in Portuguese and available only from the author...If you want contact the author, Andre Calvo Junior, leave a comment in here and perhaps the author could contact you !